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4 ways to bring your company values to life

Connecting with your people and candidates

February 8, 2021

Yes, every company does have its own set of values. But how many truly live by them?

The truth is, though, it’s these core beliefs that should be at the foundation of positive company culture - and sustainable brand success.

The key to connect your people to your company’s organisational values is to bring them centre-stage. And the way todo that? It’s about converting brand philosophy into examples of real behaviour. You see, when behaviours that offer a real world demonstration of company values are seen - and better still, rewarded - all employees have a potent reminder of what their company values are and what they need to do to live them.

Adapting or aligning your organisation values to your EVP is a good start but if you try these 4 easy ways to bring company values to life, your company will be seen as authentic and inspiring - great selling points that attract more business and great talent to join the team.

1. Shine a spotlight on values

Losing focus when it comes to company values is easy when you pay attention to all the other tasks you have to manage. To be effective, though, company values must guide every aspect of your business - including everything from talent acquisition to customer service.But if your employees can’t remember them, how can they demonstrate or live them?

By keeping your company values firmly in the spotlight, they are more easily understood and taken seriously. As well as featuring your brand values on your website and social media pages, they should be included in any employee handbooks and induction material, as well as displayed prominently in the workplace itself where team members gather (think kitchen areas, meeting rooms and foyers).

2. Hire on values

To create a workforce that lives the company’s moral code in every aspect of its working life, hiring on values is a must. With your company’s values clearly defined, it’s time to develop questions that assess the character of each and every job candidate. Using this important recruitment process as a proactive way to identify people with congruent values helps ensure that you build a workplace culture where strong values are at the core of every decision you make.

3. Live, breathe and work the values

When you happily model organisational values in the workplace, you show everyone in your workplace that your valueS are breathed, lived - and loved.

Painting them on the office wall is one thing. Living by them on a daily basis is what lifts them to become something more important and meaningful. Highlight and showcase the desired behaviours in your organisation by telling employee stories that best represent a particular value.  People that demonstrate values well are easier to follow and engage with than corporate communications about your company values.

4. Reward values

Marketing is a powerful tool and by actively rewarding behaviours that showcase your company values, you are promoting them positively to a much wider audience.

Never let great behaviour go unnoticed.By making purpose your passion and publicly celebrating others who exemplify the brand values you have worked hard to create, connecting each and every one of your employees to the essence of your brand values becomes easier and more effective.


Remember - team members who believe in the values your company promotes and who live them in every aspect of their daily life become powerful ambassadors for your brand, usually without even trying. In a world where authenticity is harder to find, it’s a benefit that cannot be underestimated.

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